Why the most ugly animals look the way they do

super ugly animals
Why do they look the way they do?
Super creepy stary owl

The worlds ugliest animals top 10 🏆

  1. Ugly blob fish

    Gloomy blobby blob fish

    The blob fish must be the ugliest of all creatures. It looks like something a person with a bad cold would cough up. 🤧
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  2. Ugly naked mole rat

    Naked mole rat

    EEEWWW. Now that's a nasty animal!!
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  3. Ugly Potoo

    Super creepy stary potoo

    The Potoo will stare you down any night of the week. During days they sit totally still on a branch with their eyes closed.
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  4. Ugly aye aye

    Scary looking Aye-Aye

  5. Ugly Frog

    Frowny frog

    The black rain frog from south america only looks grumpy. But in real life, they are super cute!

  6. Ugly monkey

    Manic monkey

    This monkey just had a bad day when the picture was taken.

  7. Ugly marabou stork

    Blank stare stork

    The marabou stork is one of the biggest birds in Africa. But it is so ugly. One of the reasons it has no feathers on its head is because it eats carcasses the same way a vulture does.

Want to color you own Super Ugly Animals?

You may have noticed that there is no shortage of coloring books for cute animals.
But where are the coloring books for really ugly animals?
The ones that didn't make the cut?

Let me tell you where they are: Nowhere!

Until now...

Super Ugly Animals coloring book

Hey there 👋

I'm Tobias and I make coloring books for niches that never really made it to the main stream.

This collection of Super Ugly Animals came out of an evening I spent with two of my kids (I have four) where we started searching for really ugly animals on the internet.

We also started drawing them and one action led to another and now here I am, publishing a coloring book of super ugly animals.

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