The ugliest owl is the Potoo

Ugly owl Potoo

Hey, what’s that thing staring at me! 👀

Why, it’s the Potoo..

Why does the Potoo look like that?

Hunting at night, big eyes are needed to take in the little light there is.

Their big mouth is used for catching flying bugs and swallowing them whole.

Where can you see the Potoo in the wild?

You can find the Potoo in the rain forrest from Mexico to Argentina and parts of Brazil.

Fun facts about the Potoo

  • Potoos are experts at camouflage and sit completely still for the entire day

Want to color you own Super Ugly Animals?

You may have noticed that there is no shortage of coloring books for cute animals.
But where are the coloring books for really ugly animals?
The ones that didn't make the cut?

Let me tell you where they are: Nowhere!

Until now...

Super Ugly Animals coloring book