The ugliest rat is the naked mole rat

The naked mole rat

Eeewww, now that’s a nasty looking animal, right?

Why does it look like that?

The naked mole rat spends most of its time under ground where fur is just getting in its way. It feeds on worms and other icky stuff and with its teeth it can chew through a tree.

Where can you see a naked mole rat in the wild?

They naked mole rat lives in south america, but they are not easy to find. You need to dig into the ground to find them.

Fun facts about the naked mole rat

  • It was voted “most ugly animal” 5 times in a row.

Want to color you own Super Ugly Animals?

You may have noticed that there is no shortage of coloring books for cute animals.
But where are the coloring books for really ugly animals?
The ones that didn't make the cut?

Let me tell you where they are: Nowhere!

Until now...

Super Ugly Animals coloring book