The ugliest fish is the Blob fish

The blob fish

Whooa! What is that?!!

Well… Let me introduce you to the gloomy blobby blob fish!

Why does the blob fish look like that?

You find the blob fish deep down at the bottom of the sea. Somewhere between 2000 and 4000 feet (about 600-1200 meters) deep.

At this depth, there is basically no light. And with no light, there are no colors.

This means that there is no need for spending precious energy on producing pretty looking colors.
So the blob fish is completely “color less”.

Where does the blob fish live?

If you were to dive down 2000 feet (please don’t) somewhere outside of Australia and brought a flash light, you would find the blob fish lurking around at the bottom.

Fun facts about the blob fish

  • Blob fish does no swim bladder.
  • They have muscles made of jelly.
  • They have no skeleton.

Want to color you own Super Ugly Animals?

You may have noticed that there is no shortage of coloring books for cute animals.
But where are the coloring books for really ugly animals?
The ones that didn't make the cut?

Let me tell you where they are: Nowhere!

Until now...

Super Ugly Animals coloring book